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Trevor Dongo ‘fights back’

After taking a sound hiding from a street bum who sells pirated audio and video discs at Fife Avenue shops, Trevor Dongo has flexed the muscles that he is good at and suddenly fought back.

Trevor Dongo...after being thumped is now thumping the grind with a sizzling hot new video

His last video may have seen the apparent karateka being clobbered soundly as ‘fans’ of the free street fight cheered and recorded the encounter, now the next time we see Trevor in a video will be tomorrow when he drops a new positive video.

In what looks like a slick and clean produced video to the song Shoko Rerudo, Trevor delivers a beautiful come back to snow his fans that his bad spell did not distract him from working on his career and improving himself.

It takes a man with an iron heart to ignore negativity and play the comeback kid and Trevor has done just that.

Dropping the trailer for the video, Trevor immediately got immense love from fans who viewed it on social networking sites and groups, all of who predicted the dropping of a powerful video.

In it, Trevor’s love interest is dining at his restaurant while the bad-boy turned lover-boy serves her as a waiter with slick dance moves.

It’s such a sweet fairy-tale when someone waves a magic wand and dances their way put of trouble. He couldn't dance his way away from the hard whacking bum at Fife Avenue, but definitely Trevor will dance his way into his fans’ hearts again with this forthcoming video!

Perhaps he is like Michael Jackson. Trevor Dongo is a lover and DEFINITELY not a fighter!

Watch the trailer here:

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