Trevor Dongo delivers killer blow-finally (Watch Video Here)
The much anticipated video by Trevor Dongo for the song Shoko Rerudo has certainly lived up to its billing.
And finally, emerging from a storm of punches from the media and some very real ones, Dongo has finally hit back with his art which is totally unquestioned. He is a great at what he does and he does it with amazing panache.
The video, produced by Zima Award winning producer Any Cutta, is a slick, real budget video that surpasses many of the high budget splurges produced this year so far.
It is a clean beauty with a well thought our script and is as warm as the song. Perhaps apart from the cheesy cliché of beauty where Trevor says he thought his love interest was a white person because of her (presumably) good skin, as if to suggest that any other woman who is not Caucasian has hideous skin.
Apart from this Donald Trump-like boob, Trevor sets the tone for a true masterpiece, coupled with a cameo appearance by Xtra-Large’s Jimmie Mangezi.
Finally, it’s Trevor who is delivering all the hits!
Watch here and decide whether he has risen well!
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